
Wednesday, December 13, 2006

i dunno

i locked myself out of my apartment today. it took me 40 minutes to break in. i used bear grylls as my role model. otherwise, relatively normal day. i should really get a spare key made.

Monday, December 11, 2006


perhaps i should clarify.

"celibacy" refers not to any moral or religious obligations i feel toward abstaining from sex but rather to the total lack of action on my part.

I feel that i am spinster bound but i desperately don't want to die and be eaten by my cats.

I'm not sure which part of me drives off men--the bitter tongue, stinging intellect or general crankiness but i know i want things to change. iwant to open myself up to possibilities beyond teal beads.

tomorrow maybe. tonight i have tv to watch.


i have broken my budget. i keep saying "i'll stick to it from now on" and then i don't. But i think i might be ready to again. And of course. i am excited about my new blog. i was going to write a mini-column for the Williams Record with this title but the total lack of action on my part precluded that. i hope i spelled celibacy right. it doesn't seem cool if it's a typo.

so i thought someone would have taken this domain name but while i'm happy i have it, it troubles me that it is funny only to me. that is, i thought there were kindred humor spirits out there who would have seen the isolation of their position as humorous, or bleakly funny, and thought of the same line. but oh well. often my humor is not for the masses.

so. sum total of recent advances:

(1) pharmacy tech: i believe he was flirting. he quizzed me on a number of my ID details ending in blood type which I answered (A+) instead of flirting back. even though he was kind of cute. i'm kind of retarded

(2) trucker hooted at me while i walked to work in : wife beater, athletic pants. + backpack =negative sex appeal.
